Un courrier d’Ameer Makhoul à propos des assassinats des 7 et 9 janvier 2015 à Paris

Emprisonné depuis le 6 mai 2010 dans la prison de Gilboa en Israël, Ameer Makhoul est un défenseur des droits humains, directeur de l’ONG palestinienne, Ittijah basée à Haïfa -membre du Conseil international du processus des Forums sociaux mondiaux. Il a été accusé d’espionnage en temps de guerre et de contact avec l’ennemi et condamné à 9 ans de prison.


Dear Miriell,

I wish you are fine and save.

From the Israeli jail I’m writing this time to express to you and through you to all friends and to all French people, my shocking sadness and condemnation of the terrorist attacks in Paris.

I also express my empathy and solidarity with French people in general, and in particular with people and families who lost their beloved persons as victims of the bloody attacks.

It’s anti French, anti Semitic and anti Islam attack of terror. Even under these frustrating circumstances I belie as you believe that another world is possible, should be.

We all over the world should strengthen our struggle for a world free from colonization, terror and racism. We should continue our fight for justice, peace, liberties and freedom and human dignity every where and for all.

I send my condolences to the families of the victims and full recovery to all wended people.

Take care



Courrier d'Ameer Makhoul

A propos admin 581 Articles
Fondation Frantz Fanon