
Fanon and Black Male Studies (Norman Ajari)

Edinburgh Speaker & World Philosophies series seminar with Dr. Norman Ajari, Lecturer in Francophone Black Studies at the University of Edinburgh & Frantz Fanon Foundation Board member. Abstract: This talk endeavors to provide an account of […]


Abandonner la Palestine reviendrait-il à abdiquer le droit à résister contre toute colonisation illégale ?

English version below N’oublions pas que le peuple palestinien est occupé et colonisé illégalement depuis plus de 75 ans, en violation totale du droit international et du droit humanitaire international et des principes fondateurs de […]


War Against The Fleas, Mumia Abu Jamal

Perhaps Israel’s most respected statesman, former diplomat, Abba Eban, once said, “Nobody does Israel any service by proclaiming its right to exist.” That was then, in 1981. The now is a new age, a new […]


Enrique Dussel In Memoriam

En français The Frantz Fanon Foundation is profoundly saddened by the passing of liberation philosopher Enrique D. Dussel, whose work constitutes one of the most impressive and far-reaching philosophical expressions in the world to date. […]