Ameer Makhoul hommage à Nelson Mandela, au nom des prisonniers politiques palestiniens

Ameer Makhoul – connu pour son action de défense des droits fondamentaux des Palestiniens, qu’ils vivent en Israël ou sous occupation israélienne, rend hommage à Nelson Mandela, au nom des prisonniers politiques palestiniens.  Ameer Makhoul – known for his action in defense of the fundamental rights of Palestinians, whether they live in Israel or under Israeli occupation, pays tribute to Nelson Mandela on behalf of Palestinian political prisoners.

Dec 7, 2013

Palestinian Political Prisoners (PPP) :

Mourning Nelson Mandeal

Thank you the greatest friend of Palestine

From within the Israeli jail, we send our deep condolences to the family of Mandela, to the people of south Africa and to the whole entire humanity, and in particular to all victims of impression and injust as well as to all strugglers for freedom and human dignity. We share the sadness and the strong feeling of grateful to Nelson Mandela.

We, PPP, send our condolences to our Palestinian people who has the honor to have Nelson Mandela as greatest friend of us as a people seeks national liberation decolonization and dezionisation of Palestine.

Mandela made the linkage more clear our two peoples struggle. He considered liberation of South Africa to be completed by liberation of Palestine from Israeli occupation.

Nelson Mandela would not be missed, can’t disappear, he exists and will continue exist and alive in hearts and minds of al nations. Among Palestinians N.Mandela symbolizes the most promising story in our long road for freedom. Since decades, Mandela is anchor of hope, integral part of our history of struggle as well Palestinian and Arab poet, literature, songs, names of persons and institutions. Mandela is a symbol of South Africa, but also a symbol of Palestine beside the historical Palestinian leader Yaser Arafat and the great strugglers. We consider South Africa people as sisters and brothers of all Palestinians.

On the contrary, Israel as the remained colonial racist enterprise of Zionism in Palestine, and the passed Apartheid regime in South Africa are alliance stragicaly and shared the same ‘values’. Israel , Apartheid as well as all illegetimc regimes are alliances.

It’s repellent to listen to Israeli leaders who abuse the values on N.Mandela, by the fulsome campaign that they shave the values of the late Mandela !!

Mandela symbolized three major landmarks : struggle for freedom, the failure of Apartheid regime, and the forgiveness act. Just great leaders with great victory have to capacity to forgive. But forgiveness is possible after liberation not instead of. Forgiveness doesn’t mean forget. The oppressors want their victims to forget, in order to undermine their rights abused and violated by oppressor.

Mandela, ANC and all south Africa people deserve the greatest peoples respect and mourn. Mandela deserves the respect all leaders worldwide did for him. But those leaders in particular of USA and post colonial countries of Europe, should regreat to south Africa people as well as to all peoples who did suffer from those countries slavery and colonization. Their countries crimes against humanity shouldn’t be forgotten.

Palestinian Political Prisoners in Israeli jail, whom currently count (5000) PPP, hundreds of them spent already 27 years I jail as Mandela spent. When we as PPP and as Palestinian people think on Mandela, we are sure that the freedom can be achieved just by struggle for freedom. Israeli colonial enterprise is not stronger than Apartheid regime. Palestine will be free.

Thank you Nelson Mandela..

Ameer Makhoul

On behalf of PPP

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Ameer Makhoul hommage à Nelson Mandela, au nom des prisonniers politiques palestiniens


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