Visions of Reparation, from the Americas to Palestine

La présidente de la Fondation Frantz Fanon interviewée par le site Nakba files. The Nakba Files spoke to Mireille Fanon Mendès-France, member and former chair of the UN Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent, president of the Frantz Fanon Foundation, and a long-time France-based Palestine solidarity activist, about connections and comparisons between racism in Palestine/Israel and the USA. The Working Group recently issued a report on anti-Black racism in the United States, based on a field visit conducted earlier in the year. The report documented patterns of discrimination in the criminal justice system, patterns of police violence, and disparities in access to education, health, housing, and employment. The Working Group drew attention for declaring that “Past injustices and crimes against African Americans need to be addressed with reparatory justice.”

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Fondation Frantz Fanon