The Global Movement for Reparatory Justice
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Moderator :
Don Rojas
Senior Advisor for Communications to the Vice Chancellor,
The University of the West Indies, Kingston, JA
Keynote Presenter :
Professor Sir Hilary Beckles
Chairman, CARICOM Reparations Commission & Vice Chancellor,
The University of the West Indies, Kingston, JA
Panelists :
Mirielle Fanon Mendez-France
President, Frantz Fanon Foundation,
Paris, France
Judge Lionel Jean Baptiste
Chairman, Emeritus, Haitian Congress to Fortify Haiti,
Chicago, IL
Dr. Esther Ojulari
Researcher, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, School of Advanced Study,
University of London, England
Dr. VP Franklin
Editor/Publisher, Journal of African American History,
New Orleans, LA
Dowoti Desir
Chair., NGO Committee for the. Elimination of Racism, Afrophobia & Colorism,
New York, NY
Kamm Howard
Chicago Chapter N’COBRA,
Chicago, IL
Dr. Iva Carruthers
General Secretary, Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference,
Chicago, IL
David Commissiong
Former Chairman, Commission for Pan African Affairs,
Barbados, WI
Dr. Hilary Brown
Programme Manager Culture & Community Development, CARICOM,
Guyana, WI
Summary/Concluding Statement :
Danny Glover
Chairman, Pan African Institute
SOURCE : http://sobwc.ibw21.org/pan-african-institute-sobwc-iv/