1/ L’internationalisme à l’ère transnationale
Wednesday, august 10
9 – 11.30 , Université du Québec à Montréal – Pavillon SH (Local SH-3120)
200, rue Sherbrooke Ouest – Montréal
En adaptant l’internationalisme aux nouvelles dimensions transnationales, nous plaidons pour la réorganisation planétaire dans une éthique universaliste et la transition écologique et sociale, se redéployant à partir du Sud principalement, et irradiant les espaces restructurés progressivement au Nord ; et en redécouvrant, dans l’urgence écologique, l’égalitarisme des chances, et la justice sociale, l’engagement individuel de l’humain.
United against the oppression of nations, the potential to regain the path of self-reliance and strengthen the Tricontinental front are the only exit possible against the global south crisis. But this radical reform of the Bandung front is eminently political and passes through the rediscovery of internationalism and the defense of the common goods of humanity. Democratic re-politicization of our masses to resist the tide through the rebuilding of the Tricontinental may counter the military momentum of collective imperialism.
Avec Mireille Fanon-Mendes-France, FRANTZ FANON FOUNDATION, UN Expert, ex-chair of the Working group on People African Descent, Human Rights Council ; Pr Patrick Bond, Director of the Centre for Civil Society University of KwaZulu-Natal in Durban South Africa, Pr Aziz Salmone Fall, Président du CIRFA, coordonnateur Campagne Internationale Justice pour Sankara,-GRILA, et membre de l’ initiative contre le redéploiement militaire impérialiste.
Zone « Emancipation ».
2/ Challenging the structures of white supremacy
Wednesday, august 10
1:00 – 3:30 pm l UQAM, DS-4375
The institutions of white supremacy have to be confronted and challenged as the basis upon which AFRICAN and people of African descent can reclaim nondiscrimination with its corollary equality. Centuries of enslavement, slave labour, racial exploitation, colonisation, and the continued domination of transnational corporations and finance capital represented by ‘globalisation’, including racial profiling that is becoming a permanent feature of immigration law and praxis, are all factors that have contributed to the dehumanisation of people of African descent. The UN Decade on the People of African Descent, which started January 1st, 2015 and ends December 31st, 2024, provides an opportunity to focus attention on the international and national/domestic structures of racial racism, to develop strategies for mobilisation for reparations, decoloniality of power and knowledge, decolonization and other forms of social justice.
With Mireille Fanon-Mendès France (Frantz Fanon Foundation), Kali Akuno (Cooperation Jackson) and Firoze Manji (Daraja Press)
3/ Of course we revolt : liberation struggles from yesterday to today
Friday, august 12
9:00 – 11:30 am l UQAM, DS-3375
Since the liberation struggles of the 20th century, humanity has acquired a rich repertoire of strategies and tools for advancing along the road of emancipation based on the work of Fanon and Cabral, the Vietnamese, Chinese and Cuban revolutions, etc. Today all continents are traversed by a new cycle of liberation struggles and epic battles between peoples and imperialisms.
With Aminata Traoré (Mali), Hassane Mezine (Fondation Frantz Fanon), Patrick Dramé (Université de Sherbrooke), Didier Dominique (Batay Ouvriye), Alain Saint Victor (NCS)
4/ Decolonizing knowledge
Friday, august 12
9:00 – 11:30 am l UQAM, DS-2520
In addition to its role in political domination and exploitation, power is used to shape our values and thinking. And in our globalized world the colonial nature of power is exercised not only through military occupation but through the penetration of culture and ways of thinking.
With Mireille Fanon Mendes-France, Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Pierre Beaudet